Today: 8:30AM - 8:30PM

Summerlin, NV Oil Change Service

Kia Oil Change Service Near Summerlin, NV

Kia Oil Change Service Near Summerlin, NV at Findlay Kia

Oil changes are part of life when you drive a vehicle with an internal combustion engine. Here at Findlay Kia, we want to make sure that your oil change is affordable, speedy, and high in quality. Next time your Kia needs an oil change, we invite you to stop by our service center. Findlay Kia is conveniently located just over 8 miles from Summerlin, so you're just a short drive away from a remarkable oil change!


Why Choose Findlay Kia for Oil Change Service Near Summerlin, NV?

Our close proximity to Summerlin is just one of many reasons to choose Findlay Kia for your next oil change. We use Kia-approved oil that is designed to keep your engine well protected until the next oil change. In addition, we employ expert technicians in our state-of-the-art service center. Our prices are competitive as it is, and you can save even more by taking advantage of our regularly updated service coupons.

Oil Change Services at Findlay Kia

  • Conventional Oil Change: Conventional oil is the least expensive, but it also doesn't last as long. When you use conventional oil, we recommend having it changed every 3,750 miles.
  • Synthetic Oil Change: Synthetic oil costs a bit more than conventional, but it's well worth the extra price. For one thing, it lasts longer -- we recommend changing synthetic oil every 7,500 miles. This extended lifespan can make up for the extra cost. But it goes beyond this: synthetic oil is better for your engine overall. It can stand up to extreme heat better, it keeps the moving parts of the engine better lubricated, and its detergent additives can even help keep the engine cleaner!
  • Semi-Synthetic Oil Change: If you want some of the benefits of synthetic oil, but the price makes you uncertain, you can always ask about our synthetic blends. They don't have the full benefits of synthetic oil, but they do a better job than conventional oil does -- and they don't have the same price tag as full synthetic oil.
  • Diesel Oil Change: If you drive a diesel vehicle, it will require special diesel oil. This oil tends to have a different viscosity, as well as additional anti-wear additives that your diesel engine needs.

Schedule Your Next Oil Change at Findlay Kia, Serving Summerlin, NV

Ready for your next oil change? It's a breeze at Findlay Kia. You can stop by and use our Express Service department, or schedule an appointment with our online service scheduler. Either way, we look forward to seeing you soon at Findlay Kia, not far from Summerlin, Nevada!

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Complimentary Dealership Amenities

  • Express Service Department
  • Comfortable Waiting Area
  • Saturday Service Hours
  • Flat Screen TVs
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